Monday 6 June 2011

Simple Textile Effluent Treatment and the Result

Here is our simple treatment flow and the results at one of of our customer place.

Equaliser or Collection tank where balanced effluent stored and first treatment starts.

At this tank the treatment starts as simple as possible, you can see the small white can of 5 liters capacity with the IV set. This is very simple one, for more accuracy you can have the DOSING pump.

Here the effluent treated for its CONTAMINANTS like,

  1. COD and BOD, 
  2. ODOR control, 
  3. Colour matter of the effluent
  4. Helps Optical clarity.
  5. Oxidization & Precipitation of all heavy metals into oxides.
  6. Detoxification by direct oxidation of all toxins.
  7. Conversion of cyanide's into biodegradable urea & carbonates.
  8. Increasing the oxidation capacity of active sludge.
  9. Prevention of sludge bulking.
Now your effluent's bonds starts breaking and it needs an hour of retention time. further it will be taken to the secondary treatment where it takes a  precipitation of the broken contaminants.

You can see on your left hand side a simple carboy with a tap. there your secondary chemical dosed in the flash mixer unit and the precipitation takes place. On your right side there is another carboy you can see, which is normal poly electrolytes to make the settlement faster.  

 From the above picture you can see the clarifier located just top of the flash mixer where you can see the clarified water without colour. Not only colour removed, also the contaminants. 

 You can see the Crystal clear water from the First Clarifier collected in a tank. In case if you want to have more flow of water and further settlement of fine sludges, you can go for another clarifier and you will get further clear water. Here we need a retention time of 5 hours to settle the fine and fluffy flocks.

From the below picture you can see the water from the flash mixer, after the clarifier.

A non-professional video clip of Professional process,

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